Do you believe that you can succeed? When you are given a task, do you believe that you can do it?

Self-efficacy is the belief that you can succeed. You can do it. This is our fifth leadership skill in being a Resilient Leader

Efficacy is the ability to make things happen. “Self-efficacy is the ability to do it for ourselves. It is the ability to move with the agency through life toward our goals,” says Albert Bandura. 

To build self-efficacy, here are four areas to tap into: 

  • Mastery of Experiences – remember your past achievements,  obstacles that you overcame, goals achieved, and skills you acquired. This builds confidence. Write them down, say them out loud, and tell a friend.  
  • Role Models- you learn from your role models. we learn from observing. Who do you admire, and what do you learn from them?  
  • Support Team – It’s the idea that one’s environment affects one, and the environment includes other people. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, have confidence in you, and can help you overcome doubt and fear when facing challenges. This is your support team.  
  • Believe – “I can do it.” Negative thoughts and feelings are temporary, and you will overcome them. The belief that you can succeed overrides thoughts and feelings. You may feel uncomfortable or afraid however, you know you can do it.  

Email me or call me if you would like to build your own self-efficacy.  Everyone has it, and you must use it to strengthen it. I am on your support team. Contact me!

RECAP: We are Resilient Leaders. We face many challenges at work, at home, and in our communities. We know we can overcome these challenges by using leadership skills. Here are five skills that can help build your resiliency.  

To tap into self-compassion in relation to a career transition or to become a Resilient Leader, email me at [email protected] for a 30-minute complimentary consultation. 

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